Illusions, Bible and other holy things. Lisa.

Quoted text: 
See u studied your bible good there honey.... SO what more does it say??? Jesus was furious at those who intruded and occupated his temple. Gods temple! Thats why I will not let people get to close cuz u never know who or when they going to stab u in the back! And further more the one who really betrayed jesus Actually was one of his "good man" Thats more for scaring me... But still, he loved them and judas to and forgave him.... But u see I am nor like jesus or judas... Im more like Jezebel.. One day I will be eaten by dogs :P.... Don´t know even why u are always getting way ahead of yourself and think that every little word that comes from me is against u, but yes, this one actually for once were meant for u, appriciate that u love me, but there is still the illusion that u love.....

OK, Lis. The bible book and all connected.

I have to admit that i haven't read it and i don't know about it much. What do i know about it? One man, called Jesus, came to earth, where god was his father, at same time bible is saying, that god, Jesus and holy spirit is one thing - So - it was implementation of God itself. (correct me if something, that's just my logic conclusion). So, and bible saying that god is powerful man - creates from nothing lot of things. Ok, this part i can believe, since i thing that there is no place that doesn't include anything. Everywhere is materia, and it is possible that somebody has such technology, that he can use it to create visible things. Oh yes, 12 apostles - i have read that there is actually one more, but he was left out from bible, since he was writing not same thing as other 12. (Cannot remember exact source - i have always bad memory on such kind of things. i guess it can be found in video called "believers" or smthng like that.)
Temple - i don't remember really temple, but i guess it was - anyway it doesn't seriously change idea. but temple for whom? - Himself? He was kinda "poor" guy, who didn't want material things, and i don't think he needed temple. He wasn't poor, because he couldn't get money, but because of his non material mind. he didn't need to have things and collect money - he was (son of) god, right?
if there was temple, then i have question - for whom? Other gods? Ok, would be great to discuss on this, but i don't have any clues right now for that.

Stabbing back..
Well i don't believe that he didn't knew that he was going to be stabbed. 2 variants:
1) He is son of god
2) He is god himself. As i explained before.

So... 1) variant. First question is - why he thought or people thought that he was son of god? Who gave this information? What for? For setting him on holy mission? Well, i don't believe if he knew all this he couldn't knew about tabbing before. If god is his father - he wouldn't protect him? What for he let him die? To show people that they've done bad thing and killed him, but people killed before his coming and after. And father knew about this, since he created this world, and created people like himself. Obvious stupidness in this case is coming up for me.
Now variant nr. 2 - well... bible is saying that god can read our minds and all of ours at same time. I don't believe that guy, who created so much and made people like himself would be naive and let this thing happen. i just can't believe that!

What else about bible?
I have learned as well some Krishna thing. I don't really remember now how it is called, but i liked that version much better, because it is quite more logical. It explains how space works, how people came, how long they have been living, why people are changing mood and other philosophical stuff. They have quite big book, in which people can read and find answers for every kind of questions. Even math, philosophy and nowadays "modern" science things are based on those writings. I have listened and asked a lot of questions and long time ago, so i am not right person to answer, but as well once i asked - what is anger - where is this feeling coming from? - Anger is feeling of dissatisfaction and... i forgot. I guess i add it later, but on that moment it was logical decision. 
One interesting moment is heart. In vedas culture heart is actually a central place, which is manipulating body, receiving and sending information. And recently i saw some movie about experiment with heart, and it comes out, that heart react quicker and always first than brain, and moreover heart is reacting on thoughts of other people, where brain doesn't react in them, since it doesn't know about happening things around. So were made lot of diagnostics and confirmed that fact. There are a lot of things, many of them are really interesting and explains why some strange things happens and are they really strange or not? Reading minds, communicating telepathically, materializing things, handling time and space. You definetly heard about some of them. well - how people are connected, why, what is making difference between them and why they are happy or sad? Why kids sometimes speaking about they're previous life? Why it stops at age 5? All kind of different info - even how to get a good family and so on and so on.... Book is huge and telling about every things absolutely in this world, and even all space. And was written much longer time, than bible, and even answers - why it was written? (Actually answer is easy - since people started to forget things, before they could remember much better than today)

Summary of stabbing:
It was just a trick, but i didn't understood purpose of that. 
And if we'll come back to 2011, then we all have to let somebody in and hope...
(Sorry - have to say that damn good song is playing: "Jason Parker ft. Jemini - Shine (David's song)(Puma Scorz remix)")
...that this is good person. And most time there would be things, which will prevent other person to be perfect match. By the way. For getting good person next to us, we have to (in ideal variant) have some arguing with that person. This process looks like you have two halves of something, but they don't match each other physically, so you need to rub those, until they match perfectly. I believe that this is same with people. Most difficult process is this "rubbing", but if two will get over it, they will know each other and match perfectly! =)
Unfortunately these are kind of mistakes, which people cannot learn from others.  I'm not talking about checking persons background in police. All other things we can know from persons friends, mates, etc. But i believe that even in this situation i cannot trust others, since we are all different with different people. With friends we might be funny, at school - serious, at work others, with sister one and with mum another character... We all are changing, but only at home with ourselves we are who we are. =)))

My personal thought - never know each other and never will, until live together. Good if happy, bad if disappointed. Shit happens. =) With each time we know a little bit more what we want from other person =) it's like a one joke:
To get girls attention at certain ages: (not mine, but illustrates good enough)
6 - "candy"
13 - "pink player"
18 - time, "teddy bear"
25 - restaurant, talk
30 - support
60 - just be together and care of each other

forgot to mention reply - But still, he loved them and judas to and forgave him
If you understand why people are doing certain things and what they really want, you might forgive them. (personally think that this forgiving and showing love thing was added later to control people. And i think that this text was added somewhere, where people started using monetary system. People have to suffer - slaves, and listen what manager - "god" is saying, to give everything off, and have hope to get in better world later. Ahah, when they aren't needed anymore for government)

So, i believe, that bible was good and actual book, but really long time ago and today it is quite useless. But no experience is bad - even bad experience is always good!

Sorry, i don't know about Jezebel - reading wiki...
Read it.. - Ouch - Jezebel... kinda powerful name. 

Why i am ahead of myself? - that's easiest!
I haven't noticed and english speaking friends.
We are like ghosts to each other - "never" met and know a little about each other, and personally i have lot of good memories. 

This text matches perfectly to my profile =)))

I want to write some words, but i can't find them. But Cranberries "No need to argue" gives over my thoughts perfectly.


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